Today's Top-100 Protestant Christian Sermons...
Brought To You By Some of The World's Finest, Most Faithful & Learned Calvinist Protestant Christian Preachers on Planet Earth. (In other words... Truth-Seeker... these sermons are the real deal. No fluff or intellectual poison!)
Sermon #1: Roman Catholic Radio Debate: "Is The Pope Really The Anti-Christ?"
Is the Pope really the Antichrist? What about the institution he represents? Is Roman Catholicism Satan’s master counterfeit, or is it not? Is it possible for someone who holds to the doctrinal teachings of Roman Catholicism — doctrines of demons is what the Bible calls them – see 1st Timothy 4: 1-3 — to be able to enter into Heaven, and thereby escape eternity in Hell for the punishment of his sins?
My friend, if you are a Roman Catholic, while also claiming to be a Truth Seeker, I must strongly urge you to listen to this debate. Using your own God-given rational mind, logic, and judgement, try to come to some kind of conclusion yourself. You see, if you are a Roman Catholic, the eternal destiny of your soul could well depend upon your answer.
And… if you are Jewish… I would strongly urge you to listen to this debate too. Throughout history, and because of Roman Catholicism’s untold, innumerable brutalities against our beloved Jewish friends, Christianity has gotten a black eye in the minds of tens of millions of Jews.
But Roman Catholicism is NOT Christianity.
In fact, it never has been. Not even close. Calvinism, or Puritanism, is Christianity. In fact, from Genesis to Revelation, the one, indisputable, overriding THEME… and FACT… revealed throughout the Holy Scriptures… is that SALVATION IS ALL OF GRACE! Christ’s BLOOD ATONEMENT and IMPUTED RIGHTEOUSNESS has ever and only been THE ONLY WAY through Heaven’s gate.
"And what is the object of those hospitals? It is chiefly to provide for the illicit offspring of priests and nuns, and such other unmarried females as the priests can seduce through the confessional. But it will be said, there are no hospitals attached to nunneries in this country. True, there are not; but I say, of my own knowledge and my own experience through the confessional, that it would be well if there were; there would be fewer abortions, THERE WOULD BE FEWER INFANTS STRANGLED AND MURDERED. It is not generally known to Americans, that the crime of procuring abortion -- a crime which our laws pronounce to be a felony -- is a common every day crime in Popish nunneries. It is not known to Americans -- but let it be henceforward be known to them -- that the strangling and putting to death, is common in nunneries throughout this country."
ALL other “paths”… and ALL other “religions” — including America’s new “religions” of Satanic Marxist Socialism and Secular Humanism… which soul-damning ideologies are now promoted in the Christ-hating government schools… will only lead you down… Down… DOWN into the deep, dark, lonely pits and dungeons of Hellfire FOREVER.
My friend, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself tells us why: “Because strait is the gait, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that findeth it.” (Matthew 7:14)
One more thing. You know what’s so fascinating? It’s the way a simple Protestant Christian sermon (or, in this case, a radio debate) can become a gateway to new insights and intellectual horizons. For example, this radio debate was the catalyst for my purchasing James A. Wylie’s two books, The History of Protestantism and The Papacy.
Just reading these two books alone will put you LIGHT YEARS ahead of 99.99% of all liberal Ivy League college professors… who try (but fail) to make sense of the ultimate meaning of history.
Same thing can be said about those who “teach” all the other crazy social science curriculum that pass for “knowledge”, but which will only poison your mind… and set you or your parents back a bundle.
The History of Protestantism chronicles various “popes'” centuries-long bloody wars against the millions of European men, women and children who held to the clearly revealed Apostolic Biblical doctrine of Justification by Faith Alone.
Also fascinating is the fact that the first Protestants were actually Italians who were located in… and had escaped to… towns and villages in the mountainous regions of northern Italy. At the time, they were known as Waldensians.
His other book, The Papacy, chronicles the cancerous, destructive effects of Roman Catholicism upon individuals… families… nations… entire continents. (Which would only make sense since a nation is only a composite of individual souls.)
Does this all sound far-fetched to you? Actually, it isn’t. WHY… for example… did the Russian people go down the Communist path? In other words, Satan’s Marxist-Socialist-Secular-Humanist path — the path that leads to Hell… and one that could only lead to the death of millions… enslavement… and totalitarian Statism. Only one reason: Their society was permeated with the Eastern Orthodox religion — a different but equally deadly form of Roman Catholicism.
NEVER FORGET: Roman Catholic Ritualism will ever and only equate to appalling ignorance, intellectual darkness, and spiritual death — for individuals, whole families, and entire nations.
Because… The Tree of Liberty ONLY grows and thrives on Protestant soil, a realization that could have saved American families tens of thousands in lost lives… and many trillions in cash.
"THE HISTORY of Protestantism which we propose to write, is no mere history of dogmas. The teachings of Christ are the seeds; the modern Christendom, with its new life, is the goodly tree which has sprung up from them. We shall speak of the seed and then of the tree, so small at its beginning, but destined one day to cover the earth. How that seed was deposited in the soil; how the seed grew up and flourished despite the furious tempests that warred around it; how, century after century, it lifted its top higher in Heaven, and spread its boughs wider around, sheltering liberty, nursing letters, fostering art, and gathering fraternity of prosperous and powerful nations around it, it will be our business in the following pages to show. Meanwhile we wish it to be noted that this is what we understand by the Protestantism which we are now entering. Viewed thus - and any narrower view would be untrue alike to philosophy and to fact - THE HISTORY OF PROTESTANTISM IS THE RECORD OF ONE OF THE GRANDEST DRAMAS OF ALL TIME. It is true, no doubt, that Protestantism, strictly viewed, is simply a principle. It is not a policy. It is not an empire, having its fleets and armies, its officers and tribunals, wherewith to extend its dominion and make its authority be obeyed. It is not even a Church with its hierarchies, and synods and edicts; it is simply a principle. BUT IT IS THE GREATEST OF ALL PRINCIPLES. IT IS A CREATIVE POWER. Its influence is all-embracing. It penetrates into the heart and renews the individual. It goes down into the depths and, by its omnipotent but noiseless energy, vivifies and regenerates society. It thus becomes the creator of all that is true, and lovely, and great; the founder of free kingdoms, and the mother of pure churches. The globe itself it claims as a stage not too wide for the manifestation of its beneficent action; and the whole domain of terrestrial affairs it deems a sphere not too vast to fill with its spirit, and rule by its law.
For example, The Tree of Liberty could never have taken root in Roman Catholic and Buddhist Vietnam; nor could there ever have been such a thing as an “Arab Spring” in Christ-hating Mohammedan countries and lands like Afghanistan and Iraq — despite the cost of thousands of lost American lives… and hundreds of billions spent in shoveling sand against an ocean tide — truly an act of ongoing national insanity — especially since America is now on the verge of a total collapse — the satanic fruit of having ceased being a God-fearing… JEHOVAH-worshiping… Sunday Sabbath-keeping… Calvinist Protestant people.
These were all the foolish, GRANDIOSE LIBERAL DELUSIONS of Christ-hating American politicians (see Psalm 2) who have embraced the liberal lies of multi-culturalism… and who now worship at the shrine of the false “god” of democracy…
… DELUSIONS that have sent tens of thousands of young Americans to violent deaths and early graves. There is no point in fighting wars unless soldiers and missionaries are allowed to sow the seeds of God’s pure Word the Bible in conquered lands — wedded, of course, to solid Calvinist Protestant creeds like the Westminster, Heidelberg, or Belgic Confessions.
A more relevant question for Americans today is: WHY would the “American” people continue to elect Christ-hating Marxist-Socialist-Statist politicians — whose demonic, anti-Christian policies only further guarantee the incurring God’s wrath against our nation… and then… ultimately… the inevitable collapse and final destruction of America?
Heidelberg Catechism Question #80. What difference is there between the Lord's Supper and the Popish mass?
Answer: The Lord's Supper testifies to us that we have full pardon of all our sins by the only sacrifice of Jesus Christ, which He Himself has once accomplished on the cross; and that by the Holy Spirit we are ingrafted into Christ, who according to His human nature is not now on earth but in Heaven, at the right hand of God His Father, and wills to be worshiped by us; but the mass teaches that the living and the dead have not the forgiveness of sins through the sufferings of Christ unless Christ is still daily offered for them by the priests; and that Christ is bodily present under the form of bread and wine and is therefore to be worshiped in them. And thus the mass, at bottom, is nothing else than a denial of the one sacrifice and passion of Jesus Christ, and an accursed idolatry.
Neither of these two books would ever be found in the history course curriculum at any of today’s much vaunted Ivy League colleges. Which is why I would credit anyone who reads these two books with a richer… deeper understanding of history than any Ivy League college history major graduate who had NOT read them.
Here’s the link to the interview with Ian Paisley, the man I think as having been one of the faithful, courageous, unyielding Pitbulls of Protestantism. To listen, just click the link below.
"On the Protestant side, neatness, cheerfulness, industry, education, continued aspiration after better things. On the Catholic side, dirt, disease, ignorance, squalor and misery. I have so consistently observed the like of this since I first came abroad, that I have a sad misgiving that the religion of Ireland lies at the root of all its sorrows."
Here are two free bonuses for all of you politically incorrect, HARD-CORE Truth Seekers out there (nowadays... sadly... you are a rare and vanishing breed): Click the links below for two PDF books that help pry the lids off the deadly viper pits of popery -- books that expose some of the satanic aspects and the resulting fruit of Roman Catholicism's soul-damning... family and nation-killing doctrines.
And may God give Light and Knowledge and Freedom and Repentance to the deluded "bishops"... "priests"... and the poor "nuns" who sinfully, wickedly continue to perpetrate this plague and curse upon individuals, families and nations. You can also get these books, dirt-cheap, from Amazon's Kindle.
Sermon #2: Why God Will Judge America. Pastor Brian Schwertley.
Pastor Schwertley’s sermon text comes from Psalm 9, verse 17: “The wicked shall be turned into Hell, and all the nations that forget God.” As of April, 2020, not only is America being punished for its many longstanding sins, but so too is the rest of the world. And let’s face it. America has been dancing with the Devil now for DECADES. China’s Mao and his Satanic socialist policies were responsible for killing over twenty million of his own people. Some say it was more like thirty million. And let’s not forget all the carnage and misery caused by the Korean War, when Mao wickedly tried to STEAL (See JEHOVAH’s 8th Commandment) South Korea out from under a free people.
These numbers aren’t just statistics. They represent individual human beings; individual souls; individual lives that were stomped out by Christ-hating atheist statists — much like what is done to BABIES IN THE WOMB right here in previously Protestant America.
But communists and socialists (they are basically one and the same) do NOT care about God-ordained individual rights (such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness). Nor do they believe in the Biblical revelation of the immortality of individual souls.
America and the world’s Christ-hating Marxist Socialist politicians and followers won’t learn about that until AFTER they die and wake up in Hell. Too late!
In addition, they absolutely HATE the One true God — Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Why? Because JEHOVAH represents a threat to their money and power. Like all “good” Marxists, America’s liberal politicians love to spout on about the “greater good”… or “protecting the Earth”… and now “the Green New Deal” … rather than about individual liberty, freedom in Christ, and God-ordained private property rights (see JEHOVAH’S 8th and 10th Commandments).
But, what they really mean by the “greater good” is actually their OWN good. It was no different in Christ’s day, when He often had to rebuke the money and power hungry ecclesiastical politicians — the pharisees and scribes (see especially Matthew 28: 11-15).
Eventually… monster-sized governments become a socialist society’s “god.” This is what has happened here in America. But Socialism is a false god. A totalitarian, soul-damning, culture and country-killing “god.”
And… like the Philistines’ god Dagon, JEHOVAH will topple it down and cut off its legs — leaving only a stump. You see, unless we repent as a nation, WORSE JUDGMENTS from the God of Abraham and Issac and Jacob — the One, true, Triune JEHOVAH of Scripture– will be coming our way.
So why would Richard Nixon have met with that Communist human butcher, Mao? And why would America’s politicians have turned a blind eye upon Communist China’s atrocities when they voted to confer Permanent Normal Trade Relations status to China in the Year of Our Lord 2000?
Being Christ-hating statist liberals, most politicians sorely lack wisdom. They have never grasped the fact… or, more likely, have been willfully ignorant of it… that FREEDOM only grows and thrives on PROTESTANT SOIL. They have never realized that “democracy” has become but one more false American idol and “god.”
Mao was a Marxist-Socialist totalitarian killer; so was Hitler; so was Stalin; so was Pol Pot; so was Ho Chi Minh; ALL their followers foolishly became blind followers and ruthless killers as well.
Today, in America, we have totalitarian Marxist socialist politicians who finance INFANTICIDE — MURDER — with public funds; who STEAL money from hard-working Americans to dole it out to the ignorant and the lazy (in exchange, of course, for the vote)… and who believe that homosexuals have a constitutional “right” to be “married.”
These kinds of policies destroy nations and put men, women and children on to a path that leads to national judgment by God… and then down into Hell.
Does this make any sense to you?
I ask you, what could be more foolish than for a politician to enact policies that incur God’s anger and wrath…
… and which damn men’s souls to an ETERNITY in Hellfire forever?
For the past fifty years, America, as a nation… and as a people… has been guilty of many God-dishonoring sins. And in this sermon, Pastor Brian Schwertley names them all (or most of them anyway). It looks to me as though the American people are now presented with a stark, simple choice:
Either Believe in Christ and then Repent... or... Perish in Hellfire Forever!
Sermon #3: The Jewish People's Rejection of Messiah's Blood Atonement Refuted (Parts 1 & 2)
In this, the third of our Top-100 Sermons series, Pastor Brian Schwertley — “The Manassa Mauler” of modern Reformed/Calvinist Protestant preachers — makes the case (while absolutely proving) that today’s Judaism is actually the un-Biblical, made-up religion of the Pharisees, having little to no resemblance to JEHOVAH’s divinely revealed religion of Moses’ day. When you come right down to it, the biggest question that Pastor Schwertley poses to every Jew now living his life apart from Jesus Christ the Messiah is this: “How does the modern religion of the Jews deal with the universal, soul-damning plague of personal sin?”
To this all-important life or death question, the answer that modern Judaism provides comes up short. Way short.
Because… as the title of this sermon implies… for the past 2000-plus years the vast majority of our beloved Jewish friends have REJECTED God’s own instituted and ordained BLOOD ATONEMENT.
My dearly beloved Jewish friend, I must urge you NOT to gamble the future state of YOUR immortal soul upon the corrupt traditions and teachings of fallen, deceitful men (meaning, today’s often willfully blind ecclesiastical politicians — men who put money and power ahead of God’s pure Truth and Holy Spirit-inspired revelation).
Instead, stick to the Word of God. Read your Bible. While seeking God’s mercy and help through prayer (always in the name of Jesus Christ), use your God-given mind. Try to figure this out for yourself. There is too much at stake to allow yourself to be fatally duped by false teachers and ecclesiastical politicians.
And please take advantage of all the resources available on this site. They will help to point you in the right direction, which is, of course, to your Messiah and the Savior of God’s elect — the Lord Jesus Christ.
As you listen to this two-part sermon series, may God the Holy Spirit be gracious in helping you to see… and understand… that your ONLY hope for the salvation of your immortal soul lies in having all of your sins BLOTTED OUT and PUT AWAY by the spotless Lamb of God… Israel’s Messiah… the Lord Jesus Christ.
"But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets, Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe; for there is no difference. For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God, being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Jesus Christ, whom God set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness, that he may be just, and the justifier of him who believeth in Jesus."
Sermon #4: What Will Hell Be Like? Answer: BAD! In Fact, So Bad That You'd Better Deal With It ... NOW! (Part 3 in a 4-part sermon series on the Biblical doctrine of Hell)
Let’s face it. The Calvinist Protestant’s Christian (or, for that matter, a Messianic Jew’s – both views should line up pretty well, provided that the viewpoint is founded upon the doctrine of God’s Sovereign Grace alone) world view is RADICALLY DIFFERENT from that of the spiritually deaf, dumb, and blind secular humanist’s. Deep down, the JEHOVAH-hating secular humanist knows the One true God exists. But, he wants to be his own “god!” He wants to live his life his way… APART from the holy commandments and duties spelled out in God’s pure Word, the 66 books of His pure, Holy Spirit-inspired revelation, the Bible. (GIANT PRINT King James Version best.)
There is, of course, a price that must be paid for this way of thinking and living. That price is Hell.
My friend, you wouldn’t be on this site were it not for the fact that you are a Truth Seeker. Well, the truth is, if your sins are not BLOTTED OUT by the BLOOD ATONEMENT of Christ, then you will be DOOMED to pay for your sins yourself in Hellfire forever.
There are two main purposes of this site. First, to extol the power and sovereignty of our great Triune JEHOVAH. Second, as an evangelical outreach to all of our beloved Jewish friends. But, this site also serves as a WARNING to everyone who is not a believer in Israel’s Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. And that is that apart from faith in Christ and repentance from sin, you are in a very dangerous place.
How dangerous? To find out, just listen to this sermon. And, after you have done that, be sure to text out the link to this sermon to all of your friends and loved ones. They too need to know the grave danger that awaits them beyond the grave until and unless they come to saving faith in Israel’s Messiah… the second person of the Trinity… the Lord Jesus Christ.
DON’T WASTE A DAY! Or listen to friends who like to party… or be influenced by what your God-hating secular humanist college professors would have you believe about the Bible or the meaning of life. No. Instead, down on your knees, my friend! Plead the precious blood of Christ to the Father (your ONLY hope). Ask the Father to apply the BLOOD ATONEMENT of His Dear Son to your immortal soul… and then… that He seal His gift of faith unto your heart and mind by God the Holy Spirit. Do it today. Do it now. Before it’s too late. Amen.
Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me ye cursed, into EVERLASTING FIRE, prepared for the devil and his angels: and these shall go away into EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT, but the righteous unto life eternal."
"The Passover was doubly a witness to blood required. Blood was required, first, of all Egypt for their unbelief. The firstborn represented in their person the whole household, and the sentence of death passed against them was a death sentence against all. Second, Israel no less than Egypt was under sentence of death. THERE WAS NO MERIT IN THEM TO SAVE THEM, NOR COULD THERE BE. But the death sentence passed against the covenant people was assumed by God the Son in the type of the blood of the lamb. The same double witness to blood appears in the cross. First, Israel was sentenced to death (Matthew 24) and destined for destruction for its treason to the covenant. Second, the people of Christ were redeemed by the blood of the covenant and were delivered from the judgment on Jerusalem and Judea."
Sermon #5: God's Amazing Grace Required and Displayed. The Life and Times of Judah the Bachelor. (Bible Text: Genesis 38)
The primary purpose of this site is to publish God’s Gospel of Grace — SALVATION from SIN and DEATH and HELL — mainly to the Jews. And, as I understand it, that word Gospel actually means good news.
But let’s be clear about something. This ‘good news’ is not just needed by today’s descendants of the tribe of Judah. No. You see, JEHOVAH’s GOSPEL OF GRACE is needed… by every man, woman and child on the planet…
… you, me, everyone you know… and everyone you will ever know or not know.
Yes, the proclamation of God’s Gospel of Grace to all our beloved Jewish friends is indeed the main purpose of this site. And in the making of that proclamation, every reasonable fact and argument will be used in the building of our case.
There are two key propositions this sermon will help to prove: (1) That salvation (from SIN and HELL) is ALL OF GRACE. And (2), that ALL of the saved Old Testament Jews — both before and during the time of Christ — were actually Messianic Jews.
Which means… logically… that… THE WHOLE BIBLE IS CHRISTIANITY!
If you are Jewish, you are likely going to be shocked and amazed about what is said in this sermon about your spiritual and biological forefather, Judah — the forth son of Jacob by Leah and the progenitor of the remnant of today’s Jewish people.
And, should you be one of the Father’s elect (remember, SALVATION IS ALL OF GRACE), you too will also see… and understand… the irresistible power of JEHOVAH’s electing grace for fallen, sin-cursed men. May it be so for you and yours today. Amen… and… amen!
And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: GOD WAS MANIFEST IN THE FLESH, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.
Sermon #6: Noah's Flood: A Paradigm of Judgment, by Brian Schwertley. How Millions of God-Hating Secular Humanists, Idolaters and False Worshippers Were Swept Away... Then Cast Into Hell... By God's Great Flood.
To the twisted, blind, Christ-hating secular humanist mind, the idea that God would slaughter tens… or, more likely… hundreds of millions … of men, women, and children in the Great Flood of Noah’s day, is unthinkable, hated, abhorrent.
(Such is the natural state of hatred toward Almighty God in the unregenerate mind — see Romans 8: 7) Yet, the Flood is an historical FACT that you, a modern man, ought to think about once in awhile (if not every day, then maybe at least once a week).
The reason is simple. You see, in God’s telling of this historical, factual account (through the Holy Spirit-inspired writings of God’s servant, the Iron Man Moses), JEHOVAH is warning us — TODAY, here and now — that Judgment Day IS coming — for you … for me … for everyone you know and love and care about … as well as for the rest of fallen, sin-cursed mankind, too — the dead, the living, and those yet unborn.
In this hard-hitting sermon entitled Noah’s Flood: A Paradigm of Judgment, Pastor Schwertley smashes to bits a number of lies and myths held as true by most of the modern world.
He also points you to the One who typified the Ark — the Lord Jesus Christ Himself — the ONLY Savior of guilty sinners (that’s you and me).
Sermon #7: Noah: The Movie Exposed! What REALLY Happened During the Final Days Leading Up To The Flood That Drowned All of Antediluvian Mankind... With the Exception of Eight Souls Saved By Sovereign Grace.
Recently I watched some clips of Noah, the movie, on YouTube. And you know what? The movie doesn’t seem half bad. In fact, it looks pretty good. Look, it’s a Hollywood-style movie. It’s NOT an historical documentary. And so, I wouldn’t expect it to line up 100% with the Biblical… 100% accurate… Holy Spirit-inspired account revealed to us in God’s pure and perfect Word, the 66 books of the King James Bible.
That having been said, still, I am duty-bound to point out at least one or two things the movie got wrong.
Why bother, you ask? Well, simply because of the staggering, MASSIVE IGNORANCE of the contents of the Bible that today so characterizes the masses of men in what is left of so-called “Western Civilization” — cancer-ridden as it is by every form of Marxist Socialist strain of God-hating… soul-damning Secular Humanism. (America’s New-Age Religion.)
So first, for example, let’s get clear about what actually happened during the last days leading up to the end of the Antediluvian Age. Contrary to Noah the film, there was no gladiatorial-like scene in which the character of Noah (played by Russel Crowe) fought off swarming bands of Cain’s wicked seed as they attempted to storm the Ark… once they finally realized that Judgment Day had really come for them.
Something else happened. Something I never thought about before I heard this sermon by master Calvinist Protestant preacher Edward Donnelly. Something which had to do with the door of the Ark.
This sermon will give you the REAL low down on the fate of those hundreds of millions of BEFORE-THE-FLOOD souls who sadly rejected God’s Gospel of Grace, as preached to them in those days by Noah.
(I don’t mean to imply that Noah preached to all of them, though news of his extraordinary work in building the Ark… which took 120 years of hard, determined work… must have traveled far and wide. Noah’s was one of God’s Iron Men, as was Job, Daniel, Elijah, and many other Old Testament saints as well.)
This sermon also provides a timely warning for you and me… TODAY! You see, JUDGMENT DAY is coming. And when it does, if your sins were not BLOTTED OUT by the BLOOD ATONEMENT of Israel’s Messiah… the Lord Jesus Christ… then you too will suffer the same fate of all those millions of men, women and children who perished in The Flood… and who are now… sadly… down in Hell.
Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of Heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."
Last night, October 10th, 2020, I finally got around to watching Noah the movie.
Was it worth the watching? Or… did it turn out to be a waste of valuable time?
Listen, as the storyline was such a MAJOR DISTORTION of the Holy Spirit-inspired Biblical account… as well as such a serious misrepresentation of the stellar character of God’s Iron Man Noah… and… because the masses of American people are so TRAGICALLY IGNORANT of God’s pure Word the Bible… I would NOT recommend this movie to anyone.
PARENTS PLEASE BEWARE! This is NOT the kind of “Biblical” fairy tale you should allow your kids to see. Just like the popish “holiday” — Christmas — the movie Noah represents a serious distortion of God’s pure Truth, as revealed in His pure Word, the 66 Holy Spirit-inspired books of the Bible (GIANT PRINT King James Version best).
For example, does it make sense that… after spending close to 120 years building the Ark, that Noah would want to actually murder his granddaughters (in direct violation of JEHOVAH’s 6th Commandment no less)… because he somehow thought that God’s secret plan was to kill off ALL of mankind… including the remnant of his own family?
No. That would be lunacy.
To sum up, for all the time and hard work and many millions spent producing Noah, I can only conclude that the director missed an opportunity — an opportunity to present the Biblical facts — which would have been fascinating enough without all the fictitious embellishments. Moreover, it could have been a vehicle to point fallen mankind to Israel’s Messiah the Lord Jesus Christ — the ONLY Savior of Fallen Mankind!
You see, what most people don’t understand today is the Noah was indeed a born again believer in God’s coming Messiah… Mankind’s Redeemer… the Lord Jesus Christ.
And… just as important… that the Ark itself was symbolic of Christ Himself as the ONLY refuge for fallen, sin-cursed men.
This is a FACT that every human being on the face of the earth needs to acknowledge and understand… IF… that is… he is to have the better opportunity of being saved from having to pay for his sins in the eternal dungeons of Hell.
Sermon #8: Whatever Happened to the Millions of People From the Old World Whom God Destroyed In the Great Flood of Noah's Day?
After what is now three Noah’s Flood sermons in a row, you may be wondering: “Why all this emphasis on the Great Flood of Noah’s Day?” The answer couldn’t be simpler or more relevant to you and me and everyone you know and everyone you don’t know. Therefore, I have to keep hammering home this critical point: to live and die apart from faith in Israel’s Messiah simply means there will come a day when there will be Hell to pay.
Hellfire forever will be the condemnation you will face for having lived and died apart from faith alone in the blood atonement of Christ alone; the loss of your soul forever will be the “fine” meted out by God to you for having violated (meaning, broken) each one of His inflexible moral laws — summarized in the Ten Commandments and handed by God to Moses on Mount Sinai.
Most interesting was Pastor Hamilton’s handling of 1st Peter 3: 18-22. Prior to hearing this sermon, I never understood what was meant by the phrase from 1st Peter 3, the spirits in prison.
Who were the spirits and where was the prison?
I know that to some people the Biblical doctrine of Hell must seem a fantastic idea, living as we do in this modern age of the Internet, rocket ships, and the steam iron. But, again, I must continue to reemphasize certain facts of life that have been supernaturally revealed to us by the Creator of the universe via His pure and perfect Word, the 66 books of the King James Bible.
And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord."
One of those facts is that, contrary to what the teeming hordes of fallen mankind might think, on Judgment Day God is NOT going to go soft on your sins. No. And He PROVED THAT in the days of Noah… when ONLY EIGHT souls out of all of fallen mankind were saved from a watery grave… and then eternal judgment.
My friend, your ONLY WAY of escaping the coming Judgment is to BELIEVE and TRUST in the Lord Jesus Christ, as He is revealed in the 66 books of the Bible (King James Version best).
Why not do that today? In fact, why not do that right now?
Sermon #9: God's Regulative, Or Puritan Principle of Worship. What Is It... And Why Is It So Important For You To Get Right Each Sunday Lord's Day Sabbath?
Have you ever thought about the Regulative or Puritan Principle of Worship? If you’re a member of a confessional Presbyterian church — one that holds to either the Westminster Confession of Faith or Heidelberg Catechism — it’s possible you have. On the other hand, even if that’s the case, there’s still a good chance you haven’t. So what exactly is it? In a nutshell, God’s Regulative Principle of Worship teaches us that anything not commanded by God Himself is… STRICTLY FORBIDDEN!
In other words, if your pastor and elders can’t provide a precise Scriptural warrant for it, it shouldn’t be found inside of Christ’s church. Today… simply stated… that would mean things like: choruses… uninspired, man-made songs and hymns… slide projectors… pianos, organs, drums, electric guitars. Also: images of Christ and Mary and statues of “saints”. In addition: Popish man-made “holidays” like Christmas and Easter and Lent.
O.K., I hear what you’re saying. You like Christmas, even though it’s a Popish “holiday” with pagan roots. But listen: if you really have a heart for doing things God’s way, all of that stuff has GOT TO GO. And in the long run, believe me, it’ll be worth it. Not only for you, but for your family too. (Not to mention the fact you’ll save a bundle on Christmas presents.) Look: if you want your worship to be ACCEPTABLE in God’s sight (as you absolutely should), you’re going to need to know what God’s Regulative Principle for Worship is. And then start applying it to your life. That’s what these next two sermons (parts 1 & 2) are all about. By listening to these sermons from Presbyterian minister and accomplished Calvinist writer (who strictly held to Exclusive Psalmody), G.I. Williamson, here are just a few of the things you stand to learn:
Why knowing how NOT to worship God is just as important as knowing HOW to worship Him.
How violating God's Regulative Principle of Worship cost two of Moses' nephews their lives.
Cain's Big Mistake.
- Why carefully applying the Biblical principle of Sola Scriptura (coupled with humility) ALWAYS beats presumption, arrogance, and HUMAN IMAGINATION when worshiping God each and every Lord's Day Sunday Sabbath.
And Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aron, took either of them his censer, and put fire therein, and put incense thereon, and offered strange fire before the Lord, which he commanded them not. And there went out fire from the Lord, and devoured them, and they died before the Lord. Then Moses said unto Aaron, This it is that the Lord spoke, saying, I will be sanctified that come nigh me, and before all the people I will be glorified. And Aaron held his peace.
The sad, serious mistake King Saul (Israel's first king) made when worshiping God... and how that single act of violating JEHOVAH's Regulative Principle cost him his crown. (It not only cost him the throne, it also contributed to his loss of sanity. King Saul's sin? His failure to abide by the Biblical principle of separation of church and state in matters of worship. Yes, that iron clad principle of Liberty and Freedom could even be discerned in JEHOVAH's Old Testament revelation!)
Why God struck down Uzzah... simply for trying to do what most people would have thought to have been a "good deed." (There's an underlying principle here. God doesn't like it when Christian's depart from His Law Word -- especially when it comes to HOW we are to worship the One true, living God and Savior of our immortal souls. Take, for example, the Ten Tribes of Israel. Because these tribes FAILED to worship God HIS WAY -- which meant at the Temple in Jerusalem -- it only took about 220 years for the Ten Tribes of Israel to become the Ten LOST Tribes of Israel. Here's a simple test for finding out whether your pastor and elders are being faithful to God's Regulative Principle of Worship: When was the last time you sang a hymn of praise with God's Holy Spirit-inspired, appointed Psalter?)
- The important implications regarding worship contained in Christ's Great Commission given to His Apostles. And lots more!
One more thing and then we’re done. I must tell you that writing this section wasn’t easy. In fact, it leaves me feeling sad. You know why? Because I haven’t liked bringing to light the sins of past men relative to their failure to worship God HIS way. And I know my own sins all to well.
Saul was a brave and mighty warrior, and Uzzah may not have realized that only Levitical priests were allowed to touch or handle the holy Ark of the Covenant.
You know, we only get ONE SHOT at this game called Life — Life in a Fallen, sin-cursed world. So let’s not forget Life’s Chief Aim — which is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever (Westminster Catechism Q & A #1). Worshiping God HIS WAY will go a long way toward helping you to achieve that all-important end. Click the links below to find out what worshiping God HIS WAY is all about… from a man eminently qualified to show you how.
(NOTE: G.I. Williamson’s outstanding expositions of the Westminster Confession of Faith and Heidelberg Catechism are available at Amazon.)
Sermon #10: The Case For Exclusive Psalmody. By Presbyterian Minister Brian Schwertley.
Have you ever wondered why the worship at most churches you visit today seems to be so MAN CENTERED… as opposed to GOD-CENTERED? What about the church you’re now attending? Would you say that the focus of your worship is on glorifying our great God and Savior — the infinite holy One who came down to earth to endure the agony of the cross to save your soul from the condemnation of your sins (and mine) in Hell… or… does it sometimes strike you as being “rinky-dink” … or irreverent?
Of course, I have no idea of what kind of church you’re attending. (Hopefully, it’s a faithful confessional Calvinist Presbyterian one.) But, I will tell you this. If you’re not worshiping Jehovah with His Holy Spirit-inspired Psalms, then you and your family are missing out on something good.
Not only that, you are also failing to worship God HIS way, which is with His ONLY authorized hymnal — the Psalter.
Look, I realize that trying to find a God-honoring Psalm-singing church these days is like trying to find that proverbial needle in the haystack. Moreover, most people today simply aren’t interested in worshiping God HIS way. But, by listening to this insightful and comprehensive sermon — The Case For Exclusive Psalmody — you just might be inspired to at least start looking for one. Or… maybe even starting a church plant of your own — with the help of some other like-minded Calvinist Christian people. Now, provided your new church members were committed to becoming evangelical — to get involved with reaching out to the LOST in their community with God’s Gospel of pure, saving Grace — it would surely be worth it. (By doing that, you would avoid going on to become but one more dead-as-a-door-nail “orthodox” church.) My friend, believe me, there is NOTHING like worshiping our great God and Savior than with His Holy Spirit-inspired Psalms. In other words, HIS way!
Hopefully… someday… you’ll be able to discover that truth for yourself.
Especially in great questions of worship it is wise to know we are right. There is no question as to the Psalms being right, but no man under the sun can show it is right to sing human hymns in the worship of God. The Bible gives absolutely no warrant therefor. Its trend is wholly against it."
Sermon #11: "Is Jesus Christ God?" This May Be THE Single Most Important Question Every Man Must Answer for Himself During His Short Stay Here on Planet Earth. To Get It Wrong Means Missing Out On Going To Heaven. By Presbyterian Minister Brian Schwertley.
(WARNING: Don't Be Duped by the "Pope" and His Armies of Poor, Deluded, Ignorant "Priests!" For if You Miss Going To Heaven, There Will Be Only One Alternative Abode for Your Immortal Soul: ETERNITY in HELL! There is NO SUCH PLACE AS PURGATORY - a SHAMEFUL, Deceptive and Dangerous LIE of Roman Catholicism!)
Let’s face it. If you’re willing to think about it (and… by the way… MOST of fallen, sin-cursed, and TOTALLY DEPRAVED mankind IS NOT), Brian Schwertley is absolutely right. Right from the start, he makes the assertion that the question, “Is Jesus Christ God?” … is, indeed, THE single most important question that every man must answer for himself if he hopes to escape Hell and enter into Heaven the minute he dies.
Why is this question so important? Actually, for many reasons.
As one example, if your answer is wrong, you may now be wasting valuable time “worshiping” a “god” that doesn’t even exist — which, of course, makes you guilty of the sin of IDOLATRY… a SIN that God HATES, and one He has promised to punish — in this world and the next.
Or… because you don’t believe in God at all… the result… possibly… of having been DUPED into believing what your high school “teachers” and college “professors” taught you about “evolution” — the Satanic LIE force-fed into kids’ mush-filled minds that our world is tens, or even HUNDREDS of billions of years old, rather than what it actually is — 5 or 6 or 10,000 years, at most.
RESULT: Now it’s become all-to-easy for you to not think about God at all. After all, what’s the point of gaining knowledge about Christ… and the Triune being of JEHOVAH… if God doesn’t even exist!
But, one of THE most important reasons of all (for believing in the Deity of Christ) is that God’s pure Word, the 66 books of the Holy Spirit-inspired Bible (King James Version best), teaches that ALL MEN ARE SINNERS in God’s sight… because… ALL MEN are GUILTY of having BROKEN (violated) His pure, perfect, holy, and INFLEXIBLE moral laws — best summarized in THE TEN COMMANDMENTS.
O.K., let’s go over a few of them. Now, before we do, just remember two things. First, God’s Word the Bible tells us that sin is the transgression of God’s Law. (1st John 3: 4) Second, that there is a spiritual dimension to God’s Laws. In other words, just because you’ve never actually killed anyone doesn’t mean you haven’t committed murder in God’s sight.
In this sermon, Pastor Schwertley covers many aspects of the question, as he compiles a mountain of evidence to help prove his case in the affirmative.
Now, aside from recommending this important two-part series for attentive listening, I would say that the best and easiest way to come to the realization that Jesus Christ is indeed God… is simply to get yourself a copy of a GIANT PRINT King James Bible (the version of the Bible hated and feared by Roman Catholic theologians and liberal “Protestant” denominations)… and then start reading the entire New Testament.
Now, I own several copies of the King James Bible. And as I flip through my oldest copy, I marvel at how often, in the past, I have scribbled in ink, writ large, across the pages and next to certain passages…
Jesus is God! ... Jesus is God! ... Jesus is God!
To be continued. But, in the meantime, just click the links below to listen to this important sermon series on the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Why believing that Jesus Christ is God is THE single most important realization you will ever come to.
The Scriptures say precisely what good works are. Good works are only such as God has commanded in His Holy Word, and not such as without the warrant of Scripture are devised by men out of blind zeal or upon the pretense of good intention. Those who vainly worship God, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men, may have a certain zeal, but not according to knowledge. It should be evident therefore that the good and the evil are defined only by the law of God. God has given us all the guidance we need. We do not need Roman Catholic tradition; we do not need mystic visions; we do not need additional revelations. But we do need, and need sorely, a great deal of Bible study. In the Bible, and in the Bible alone, we find the rule of life.
The Satanic, soul-damning deceptions of Roman Catholicism. Click the links below to get started on your quest to coming to saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The process begins with KNOWLEDGE…
Sermon #12: How To Get To Heaven (While Avoiding Being Banished By God To Hell) GOD'S WAY: The Biblical Doctrine of Justification by Faith ALONE, By Presbyterian Minister Edward Donnelly.
This sermon, by internationally renown Calvinist Protestant preacher, pastor and theologian, Edward Donnelly, takes up the subject of that keystone Biblical doctrine of JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH ALONE.
Meaning… how God personally takes… and makes… SINNERS (that’s you and me)… RIGHTEOUS in His sight.
In other words, the little-know WAY in which God has always clothed His elect… with the spotless robes of Christ’s purity, perfection, holiness and righteousness.
Listen: You need to listen to this sermon! (By the way, I don’t often use exclamation points, but this sermon surely merits one.)
And the reason for that is because Protestantism has fallen upon hard times, owing, in part (in fact, a large part) to the rampant apostasy of it’s pastors and seminaries. (Meaning, the soul-damning plague of Liberalism.)
But here’s what you now need to know: Right now, there are three deadly accusers preparing rock-solid cases against us. The evidence against us is strong, voluminous, glaring, and irrefutable. (It is also shamefully embarrassing.) Here are some of the keystone truths you are going to glean by investing a little of your time to acquire the knowledge you will need for the saving of your immortal soul…
Why Justification by Faith is the very heart of the Gospel. (In fact, it always has been. The Jews of Old Testament times were saved the same way that God saves sinners today -- by faith ALONE in the BLOOD ATONEMENT of Christ!)
- Exposing the New Age "Protestant" Perspective of Paul's Theology. (This is the soul-damning heresy, that substitutes the "works" of covenant faithfulness to that of the Biblical doctrine of justification by faith alone.)
WARNING: Beware of the intellectual and spiritual poison now being peddled by New Age "Protestant" church "leaders". (Some of the statements written by these wolves in sheep's clothing are shocking indeed. But not just shocking; they're dangerous to your soul.)
- Why being justified by faith is doctrinally as far apart from sanctification as the east is from the west. (This is where Roman Catholicism... all other man-made "religions" ... and most of fallen mankind... go off the rails and down into The Pit. Most people, you see, try to EARN their way into God's good graces... and thereby try to make it to Heaven... by being "good." But, the problem with that way of thinking is that... God says there is NONE GOOD: "For ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God, Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, Whom God set forth to be a PROPITIATION through FAITH IN HIS BLOOD, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God." (Romans 3: 23-25)
- WHY those who think justification by faith alone is immoral may actually have a point. (Yes, on the surface, it does appear that the salvation-by-works crowd may actually have arguments in their favor. But, when God's white-hot holiness is taken into account, it becomes easier to understand why they don't!)
- WHY what most people hope will happen on Judgment Day can NEVER possibly be!
- WHY the "L" in Calvinism's famous TULIP acronym is somewhat "limited".
- WHAT the SOLID GROUND of Justification actually is... and why it contributes mightily to our assurance... a most happy state of being for the Bible-believing Calvinist Protestant Christian.
- WHY Christ's blood atonement and propitiatory sacrifice is THE MOST IMPORTANT FACT in all of history.
- HOW knowledge of, and belief in, the Biblical doctrine of Justification by Faith alone... help to highlight the practical value of theology.
"Man repels the thought that sin is a crime which God hates with an infinite hate and which he, in his righteousness, must condemn and avenge. If sin is such a surface thing, such a trifle as men deem it, what is the significance of this long and sad story? Do Earth's ten thousand graveyards, where human love lies buried, tell no darker tale? Do the millions upon millions of broken hearts and heavy eyes say that sin is but a trifle? Do the moaning of the hospital or the carnage of the battlefield, the blood-stained sword, and the death-dealing artillery proclaim that sin is a mere casualty and the human heart the seat of human goodness after all? Do the earthquake, the volcano, the hurricane, the tempest speak nothing of sin's desperate evil? Do not man's aching head, and empty heart, and burdened spirit, and shaded brow, and weary brain, and tottering limbs utter in a voice articulate beyond mistake -- that sin is guilt? And do they not utter that sin must be punished -- punished by the Judge of all -- not as a mere violation of natural laws, but as a breach of eternal laws, which admit of no reversal? "The soul that sins, it shall die." He who refuses to recognize sin as guilt must dissolve the law of the universe or ascribe imbecility to the Judge of the universe."